Bring Your Offspring To Work Day | Aliterate It was 7:42, it was the big moment. I had clearly missed the bus already, but I was sure it would be worth it. It was going to be one e-mail from AT&T that would change my life forever: would I be going to my mother's workplace? Sweat was dripping down my face and my hands were shaking as if there was an earthquake ranking 9 on the Richter Scale happening right now. A loud sound came from my dear mother's phone; I quickly scurried over to the phone, pushing my irrelevant brother aside. My eyes vigorously scanned a bunch of useless pages until it came to the juicy part. I looked under my little brother's name: rejected. I still had a chance. I looked under my name: accepted. YES! I wasn't allowed to go to my mother's workplace though, 1) She had a big meeting that day; 2) Both of us had to go in order for my mom to take us; 3) This all never happened, and my mom had received the email during the middle of the ...